Friday, 15 December 2017

Letters to Santa's Elves!

Did you know that in the beginning Santa had just 6 elves? They still work for Santa and they are now his closest friends! We looked them up and found out their names and all about the jobs they do. We decided to write them letters. We really hope they reply!

Full STEAM ahead!!

Second Class love using the STEAM room. They had fun taking part in maths activities using money. They also enjoy using the computers to complete their reading quiz. 

2nd Class Bands

2nd Class made fantastic musical instruments at home and brought them into school show us! They then composed some great pieces of music in their groups. 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

We Love to Dance!

Second class are enjoying their weekly dance lessons with Mary. They are having great fun learning lots of moves and can't wait to preform at the Christmas show.

Soil Experiment!

Second class did an experiment to find out what soil is made up of. We put some soil into a jar and added water. Then we let it settle for 2 hours. As you can see stones and sand settled at the bottom and the clay settled on top of that. Leaves, twigs and grass floated on top of the water.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Welcome back to school second class for the 2017/18 academic year.  This year your teacher is Ms. Mc Corriston. 

Friday, 19 May 2017

Remakes of famous paintings

We had great fun recreating famous paintings at home. Here are our photos.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Staying Street Smart

Our class were invited to attend a talk given by the RSA on being street smart. There was also an interactive course where we got to show off what we learned. When we proved how we can be safe on the street we were given our licenses. Having RSA licenses mean we have a responsibility to stay safe on the roads and while travelling in our cars. We learned how important it is to wear a seat belt and sit properly while travelling in the car.

The New School Playground!

We were delighted to get a chance to play on the new playground in the school. There are lots of fun things to play on. Here are some pictures of us having a go on all the different equipment:

Examining Nature

We took part in a biodiversity workshop. We had a visitor who knew all about living creatures and their habitats. We got to examine living creatures ourselves! It was really interesting and helped us learn a little bit more about the world around us. Here are some pictures of us learning and examining the creatures.