Friday, 8 November 2019

We had lots of fun dressing up as different Halloween characters and playing Halloween games. We also carved silly faces onto pumpkins and had a Halloween party!

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Senior Infants are having great fun exploring and learning about Autumn during their Aistear time. They have been role playing  the Tidy Towns Commitee and tidying up the park, leaf printing, drawing Autumn scenes, using playdoh to create Autumnal pictures and playing with the farm set to harvest Autumn crops and build pens to get the animals on the farm ready for winter.

Monday, 27 May 2019


Big congratulations to the children in 2nd class who had their First Holy Communion on Saturday the 25th of May. They were all fantastic and as you can see we continued the celebrations at school on Monday! :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2019


A big thinks to the children from 6th class for taking the time to teach us lots of new skipping games.

Learning is fun!

Some photos of second class having lots of fun learning new things!

Magic Potions

Second class made magical potions using some gruesome ingredients! They hope their spells will come true!


Chinese New Year

Today 2nd class celebrated the Chinese New Year. Who knew using chopsticks could be so hard! Do you like our colourful dragons?