Monday, 30 March 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun weekend. I'm sure everyone has been keeping up with their reading each day at home, its very important that we read our books everyday. Have you tried reading one of your books out loud to a little brother or sister or anyone in your family. 

Here is a link to a website called starfall which is a great way to keep up with our reading.

Here is a link to phonics play website.
We used this website quite often as it has lots of fun games to help us practice our phonics. This website is also offering free subscription so you can access all of the games at home. Click on phonics 2 and phonics 3 to find a variety of games. Try and play and least 1 or 2 a day. Let me know how you get one!

Senior infants had started to learn about the 'story of 10' before we left school. On a piece of paper draw the number 10 in the middle of the page, around the outside of the page write all the numbers you can add together to make 10, for example 1 + 9 = 10, 9 + 1 = 10 etc.
Here is a great website, Math playground. I has a fun game to help practice the number bonds.

Well done to Wiktoria who used stones in her garden to make the shape of a square, fantastic!

Well done for continue to work so hard senior infants,
Miss McMahon

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Thursday 26th March

Good Morning Senior Infants!

I hope everyone is happy and well this morning. Before we finished school two weeks ago we were learning all about 'The Restaurant' during our Aistear time. We set up a restaurant in our role play area, everyone had a different role to play, we made lots of different cakes and ice cream sundaes with playdough, we designed and constructed our own restaurants using lego, we constructed furniture and created restaurant models during junk art and we built our own restaurants using sand and materials in the sand pit.

Today you could discuss 'The Restaurant' theme with someone in your family, what was your favourite Aistear station? Why was it your favourite? Maybe you could do some junk modelling for the restaurant at home using materials from the recycling bin, I know everyone in senior infants have fantastic imaginations for junk art!

Here are photos of Clara, Holly, Isaac and Daniel when they were role playing chef, waitress and customers in the restaurant.

Have fun and chat to you soon,
Miss McMahon

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Senior Infants,

I hope everyone is doing well this morning, the weather has changed slightly today. Can you think of three sentences to describe the weather today and share them with someone in your family, pretend you are a weather reporter!

On Monday I posted a link to do some p.e at home every morning with 'The Bodycoach' if you have been joining in, well done you! Here are two other websites that are great for helping to stay active at home.

Everyone is senior infants love Go Noodle, especially the guided dancing videos. Our top two favorites are 'The Pirate Life' and 'Knicky Knacky Knocky Noo' why don't you show someone in your family how these are done!

Another great way to stay active and stay nice and chill is through yoga! Cosmic Kids Yoga is a youtube channel with lots of great videos you can follow to practice your stretches and yoga poses.

Here is a maths challenge for everyone today. This can be a fun outdoor maths activity or it can be completed inside too. Using sticks, leaves or stones try and make five 2d shapes in your garden or using items found inside either. Please email pictures of your work to me and I will post them on the blog.

Can you name some 2d shapes?
How many sides does each shape have?
How many corners does each shape have?

Here is an example:
Have fun!
Miss McMahon

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Hello Senior Infants!

I hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy at home. Its been nearly 3 weeks since we started the 'Big Grow' challenge in our classroom. Everyone got their own paper cup, compost disc and some seeds of their choice to plant. I have taken all of our plants home and ensured they have been watered and gotten some sun light each day. I'm happy to say they have all been thriving!

As you remember the cress seeds started to sprout first, Clara's cress grew quite tall in the space of  a few days. Everyone's cress has now grown over the top of the paper cup.

Since we were last at school the pea shoots have grown up out of the soil, the pea shoots are thicker and they're a darker green than the cress.

The baby carrot's have been the slowest to grow, they are still only beginning to sprout above the surface of the soil. I'm sure we will see lots of growth from these over the next few days!

The biggest difference from our last day in school has been the sprouting of the pea shoots, Daniel's in particular have grown really tall. Daniel really looked after his peas when we were at school and he made sure to water them every day, Daniel is our star grower for this week!

Check out the pictures below and compare them to the pictures from the 9th of March to see the progress each plant has made. Well done senior infants!

Here's a challenge for you all today, can you name the 5 needs a plant has to grow and stay alive?

Here's a little song to help you out, although I'm sure you all knew the answers already!

Miss McMahon ☺

Monday, 23 March 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe during our time away from school. I understand that staying at home is sometimes difficult and everyone is missing spending time with friends and playing at school. During school time we always tried to stay active and have movement breaks in the classroom to keep our minds and bodies active, luckily this is something we can still do at home!

Everyone in senior infants enjoys taking part in The Body Coach workouts- teacher included! All of these workouts are available on The Body Coach's youtube channel. Now every morning The Bodycoach is streaming 'P.E with Joe' Monday- Friday at 9am live on youtube. If you miss the 9am slot all videos will be saved to his channel so you can do them anytime!

Check out today's one below.

Miss McMahon 😊

Monday, 9 March 2020

Senior infants are taking part in the Innocent 'Big Grow' challenge. Last week we received paper cups, compost discs, cress seeds, pea seeds and baby carrot seeds. This is all we need to grow our own vegetables in class! We each placed a compost disc in a paper cup, added some water, mixed the compost and water together and then added seeds of our choice. Each morning when we get into school we check our paper cups to see how our vegetables are getting along and to make sure our soil is still moist.

After one week the cress stems have started sprouting from the soil. Clara's cress has grown the tallest so far, she is our first 'star grower'!

For World Book Day 2020 we did loads of activities around one story, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. Our teacher even dressed up as one. We read the story, we played games and we even sequenced the story writing out parts of the story together. Here is a video of us sequencing and reading our version of the story that we wrote

Thursday, 5 March 2020

We were very fortunate that 3 girls from 4th class came to sign 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' the girls were fantastic and we were so impressed with their skills.

Senior Infants World Book Day 2020

Check out all of our book worms for World Book Day 2020!

Bhíomar ag leamh 'Seán agus an Gas Pónaire' Is aoibhinn linn an scéal sin, tá sé an greannmhar!

Senior Infants have really enjoyed their Aistear topic 'The Farm' They have role played working on a farm, junk modelled farm animals and sheds, constructed farms from lego and created farm animals from playdough. They have also painted cows and pigs during Art time.

For our farm topic we read the story 'Brenda's Boring Egg' in the story Brenda laid a duck egg. We decided to make our own duck egg nests using rice krispies, chocolate and mini eggs. We had lots of fun as you can see!!