I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun weekend. I'm sure everyone has been keeping up with their reading each day at home, its very important that we read our books everyday. Have you tried reading one of your books out loud to a little brother or sister or anyone in your family.
Here is a link to a website called starfall which is a great way to keep up with our reading. https://www.starfall.com/h/fun-to-read/
Here is a link to phonics play website. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm#
We used this website quite often as it has lots of fun games to help us practice our phonics. This website is also offering free subscription so you can access all of the games at home. Click on phonics 2 and phonics 3 to find a variety of games. Try and play and least 1 or 2 a day. Let me know how you get one!
Senior infants had started to learn about the 'story of 10' before we left school. On a piece of paper draw the number 10 in the middle of the page, around the outside of the page write all the numbers you can add together to make 10, for example 1 + 9 = 10, 9 + 1 = 10 etc.
Here is a great website, Math playground. I has a fun game to help practice the number bonds. https://www.mathplayground.com/number_bonds_10.html
Well done to Wiktoria who used stones in her garden to make the shape of a square, fantastic!
Well done for continue to work so hard senior infants,
Miss McMahon