Hello Senior Infants!
I hope everyone is doing well and keeping busy at home. Its been nearly 3 weeks since we started the 'Big Grow' challenge in our classroom. Everyone got their own paper cup, compost disc and some seeds of their choice to plant. I have taken all of our plants home and ensured they have been watered and gotten some sun light each day. I'm happy to say they have all been thriving!
As you remember the cress seeds started to sprout first, Clara's cress grew quite tall in the space of a few days. Everyone's cress has now grown over the top of the paper cup.
Since we were last at school the pea shoots have grown up out of the soil, the pea shoots are thicker and they're a darker green than the cress.
The baby carrot's have been the slowest to grow, they are still only beginning to sprout above the surface of the soil. I'm sure we will see lots of growth from these over the next few days!
The biggest difference from our last day in school has been the sprouting of the pea shoots, Daniel's in particular have grown really tall. Daniel really looked after his peas when we were at school and he made sure to water them every day, Daniel is our star grower for this week!
Check out the pictures below and compare them to the pictures from the 9th of March to see the progress each plant has made. Well done senior infants!
Here's a challenge for you all today, can you name the 5 needs a plant has to grow and stay alive?
Here's a little song to help you out, although I'm sure you all knew the answers already!
Miss McMahon ☺
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