Thursday, 2 April 2020

Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Senior Infants,

Here is a fun piece of Easter Art for you to try today, Easter Bunny Hats!

They're nice and straight forward but you may need some help from an older brother or sister or a grownup for some of the cutting out.

To make this bunny hat you will need;
white card,
pieces of different coloured card for the ears, nose, mouth and whiskers,
a marker
glue/ sellotape

I understand you may not have a variety of coloured card at home so be creative and use any materials that you can find. You could even make this bunny hat using junk art materials from your recycling bin!

Once you have everything you need you will need to trace the outline of the bunny hat on the white piece of cat. Trace a large cone on the piece of paper making sure the bottom is a lot wider than the top.

Cut out the cone and with either sellotape or glue stick the two open ends together.

Using different coloured card or colour in some white card yourself, draw whiskers, eyes and a nose. Cute these out and stick them on the front of your bunny hat.

Using a marker draw a simple mouth on the front of your bunny hat under the nose.

On another piece of card, design ears for your bunny. Cut out the ears and stick them on the back of your hat, look at how the ears stick out over the hat in the picture. To make your ears doubly secure before you stick them down you cut small slits into the back of your hat and place the bottom of the ears through the slits before you stick them down.

Then you're all finished! Let me know how you get on-

Well done to Wiktoria who completed her tricky word rainbow yesterday. Wiktoria chose the tricky word 'they'!

Martynas also completed his tricky word rainbow yesterday and it looks fantastic! He also chose the tricky word 'they'. Martynas has been extra busy at home, he's been doing school work each day and he has been growing plants at home with his Mum too! Martynas and his Mum are growing cucumbers and you can see the leaves of the cucumber plant have sprouted already, amazing work!

Have fun!
Miss McMahon

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